Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Let Sleeping Assholes Lie

Today, was the third day of a week long training session.The class is full, with the majority of students coming from a local municipal sewer department. They are hourly, union members who bullied the instructor into starting the class an hour and a half early, so that they could work some type of overtime scam. Thus, I have been getting up at the asscrack of dawn, so these guys can pocket 1.5 times there bloated rate by sitting on their asses. As you might have guessed, this doesn't please me.

The class itself is boring. Tasks that ought to take minutes take hours. So, I decided to take a little nap after lunch. I awoke to an annoying nebbish calling my name. It was the instructor with a question about the task he was discussing. Just like high school. I answered his question and pointed out that having to perform such a task is a shortcoming in his product. It isn't required with his competitor's products. When I was finished, he stated, "I haven't figured out whether you are here to help or hurt." Personally, I thought I was there to sleep but since he disagreed, I occupied myself with other tasks.

First thing tomorrow, he will be demonstrating a program to the class on a touchscreen. He stupidly left said touchscreen on a network that was accessible to the class for most of the day. Tomorrow, 15 seconds after he starts the equipment in his demonstration, his prominent company logo will be replaced by this, courtesy of Shamus O'Drunkahan Has Issues:

30 seconds later, we'll be enjoying this, courtesy of Mo71:

What can I say, I'm a Helper.


At 9:36 AM, Blogger 0000 said...

Just doing your part...

At 11:14 AM, Blogger acw said...

No goatse? I'd love to hear a story after that went up on screen.

At 8:25 PM, Blogger tfg said...

I replaced the the last picture because asscrack isn't really a breakfast thing. Other than that it worked as expected and even the instructor thought it was funny.

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Scott said...

I read this and got super pissed because I know Shamus. The first time I read it I thought you and Shamus conspired - like you were in the same class. I was all, how come Shamus gets to meet TFG and I just get herpes? That is BS.

At 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the snow penis pictures? Why did you erase that post?

At 3:32 PM, Blogger paige3girl said...

I always liked you...


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