Friday, May 25, 2007

The Graduate

I had planned to leave the previous post up over the holiday, to allow you to contemplate one of the more visible signs that capitalism is clearly running amok. Sure, American society is careening headlong into an economic catastrophe of unmatched magnitude. And, yes, within the next 25 years, I believe that the world will see levels of warfare and famine sufficient to make Revelations look like a great idea. Nevertheless, I am well aware that some things must take precedence over these topics, such as: What are we going to do about Cham's midlife crisis?

For the record, this does not diminish my my inexplicable urge to make steamy monkeylove to Cham on Jerry Falwell's grave one iota. I'm going out of town for the holiday, I'll smell you Monday.


At 6:13 AM, Blogger Scary Monster said...

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At 6:14 AM, Blogger Scary Monster said...

Nice bit of photoshopping there, bud. For a moment me were startin to think that the pics were going to get real interesting and were thinking about joinin the park service for the perquisites.


At 7:29 AM, Blogger kris said...

izzat M.snay!? Heh.

At 9:47 AM, Blogger johnny dollar said...

you're working monday?


At 10:06 AM, Blogger Serena said...

Heh. With enough cemetery love in the world, Revelations maybe won't be so bad. Have a great trip.

At 12:00 PM, Blogger Malnurtured Snay said...

Wow, it's our post-coital photo, TFG, except you photoshopped yourself out and replaced your head with Cham's!

At 1:28 PM, Blogger acw said...

Holy crap. You are actually killing me.

At 6:12 PM, Blogger Cham said...

Hey, I'm enjoying my midlife crisis. Eat your heart out you losers stuck in a cube. Next time photoshop in Johnny Depp please. Have some heart.

At 8:48 PM, Blogger Mighty Dyckerson said...

That guy works for the National Park Service?? I hope there aren't any forest fires under his watch. He'd have a heart attack getting out of his chair.

At 12:05 AM, Blogger puerileuwaite said...

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At 12:06 AM, Blogger puerileuwaite said...

Twas a time that I wanted to climb every mountain with Cham, and do things at the top of each one with her that would completely and shamelessly justify the yodelling.

But it's now apparent that she prefers the more sedentary, pedestrian type. So my dream of showing Cham exactly which parts of a tree are edible lies in the ashes of the long-neglected campfire that was to be our love.

At 2:32 PM, Blogger Sassy Blondie said...

Photoshop is the root of all evil...and effin funny too! I'm just curious as to how you got a pic of her in a towel and him in a park services tee?

You maintain interesting friendships, TFG.

At 6:33 PM, Blogger tfg said...

scary-Thanks. Actually, it's pretty crude work, but I only had 20 minutes before I had to leave for work.

ag-I told you the boy is a pimp.


j$-Working on Monday, which I didn't do, wouldn't make me a communist--it's the borscht enemas.


Snay-I guess that MD 20/20 that you were chugging clouded your recollection. If you recall, I was the photographer/prop manager.

ACW-That's good, because the other 95% of people who read this aren't from Baltimore and are thinking WTF.

Cham-The next one of you that I post will have me in it. And maybe some midgets to break the monotony.

dyck-Don't screw with Park Rangers. He'll get Yogi and Booboo to tie you up and have their way with you.

puerilewaite-I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad for you.

sassy-I obtained that photo by hacking several levels of network security and then cracking an 128 bit encryption scheme. Or maybe I read her blog--I always get that mixed up.

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Rogue said...

Hey, I'm enjoying my midlife crisis. Eat your heart out you losers stuck in a cube. Next time photoshop in Johnny Depp please. Have some heart.

...So sayeth the hippie. Begone cube-dwellers.


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